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Supported data formats

Model formats

Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)

The ISO-certified OpenBIM data format Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) is used to import model data:

The following versions are supported:

  • IFC2x3 | Ifc2x Edition 3 Technical Corrigendum 1 (ISO/PAS 16739:2005)
  • IFC4 | Version 4.0 - Addendum 2 - Technical Corrigendum 1 (ISO 16739-1:2018)

Checking rule formats

Information Delivery Specification (IDS)

BIM.permit uses the Information Delivery Specification format to import and export formal checking rules.

The following versions are supported:

  • IDS-Import 0.9, 0.9.3, 0.9.6
  • IDS-Export 0.9.6

The following IDS-Concepts are supported:


  • Entity-Facet (entity requirements)
  • Property-Facet (property requirements)
  • Attribut-Facet (attribute requirements)
  • Classification-Facet (classifications requirements)
  • Material-Facet (material requirements)
  • PartOf-Facet (part of requirements)

Value types:

  • simpleValue (simple values)
  • enumeration (multiple admissible values)
  • pattern (value patterns)
  • bounds (value bounds)
  • length (length of text values)